Sotheby’s HK sale of Asian art has started on a good footing. Its AM sale for Modern and Contemporary SE Asia art raised $10 million, with a respectable 80% of the lots sold and various records broken. “Father of Indonesian modernism” - S. Sudjojono’s A New Dawn sold for an impressive $1.4 million, over 4 times the high estimate with a fierce bidding battle among nine bidders. One of my favourite paintings, Ronald Ventura’s Natural Lies (photo) fetched $326,000, nine times its estimate and a new record for the artist. In this powerful piece, a young boy with a Pinocchio-like nose is surrounded by fantasy creatures who prod and tease him. Seating in a cluttered, dirty environment, the child appears in quiet contemplation against chaos. The little vermin play musical instruments into his ear, while wearing gas masks; a winged figure casually drops a bomb, while a perverted bronze figure politely makes his way through the child’s parted limbs. The Pinocchio-like nose is not a product of lying but of stress, of innocence in a malicious world.